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Arkansas SHRM 2024 HR Conference & Expo • October 21-23 • Hot Springs, Arkansas

Conference Presented By:
Mobile site sponsored by: Thank you to BCBS for sponsoring HR2024

About the 2024 ARSHRM Conference

With our great line-up of human resources speakers & sessions, HR2024 will be an event that you won't want to miss. Join us October 21-23, 2024 in Hot Springs to learn from the top HR experts and develop the strategies you need to succeed!

Venue & Hotel

Join us at the Embassy Suites or Hotel Hot Springs. This year's conference will be held at the Hot Springs Convention Center.
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Join us October 21-23, 2024 for a time of entertainment, networking, and fun!  Read more »


If you'd like to use the HR2024 logo on your website or in a print ad, check out our media page for multiple versions of the logo optimized for both web and print advertising.  Read more »


Learn more about your HR2024 Conference Committee. They're hard at work planning a fantastic conference for you, so please feel free to contact them with any questions you may have about the 2024 ARSHRM Conference and Expo.  Read more »

Mobile Site

Would you like to get the most up-to-date information about the conference as soon as it's available?  Read more »

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