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Arkansas SHRM 2024 HR Conference & Expo • October 21-23 • Hot Springs, Arkansas

Conference Presented By:
Mobile site sponsored by: Thank you to BCBS for sponsoring HR2024

Privacy Policy

This web site is designed to allow individuals and organizations to interact with the Arkansas SHRM State Council easily and efficiently. Arkansas SHRM State Council recognizes that it is critical for all users of this web site to be confident that their privacy is protected. The Arkansas SHRM State Council / Arkansas SHRM State Conference web site is available to the general public.

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Control of your personal information

The Arkansas SHRM State Council will not sell or share your e-mail address with other organizations. However, other information you share may be used to provide you with information from AR State Council or carefully selected organizations about products, services or activities that may be of interest to you. To receive this information you must "opt in" to receive it when you provide personal information on our Web site.

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