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Arkansas SHRM 2024 HR Conference & Expo • October 21-23 • Hot Springs, Arkansas

Conference Presented By:
Mobile site sponsored by: Thank you to BCBS for sponsoring HR2024

Sponsorship Opportunities

The annual HR Conference and Expo serves more than 450 HR professionals & is a unique opportunity to market your business. By sponsoring HR2024, you are telling the top HR decision-makers in the state that you support the HR industry. We encourage you to sign up as soon as possible to ensure you receive all of the promised benefits below. For more information, contact our Sponsorship Chair at eat0@eau0eav0eaw0. We truly appreciate your support!

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View Current Sponsors

Sponsorship Levels

Exclusive Presenting Sponsor ($15,000)

  1. First Choice Meal or Event as the sponsor (Excludes evening receptions)
  2. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  3. Social media post about sponsorship 
  4. Three complimentary conference registrations
  5. Three exhibit booths with electricity (110v standard outlet)
  6. Center stage banner placement in general sessions
  7. Logo on website banner 
  8. Logo on front of committee T-shirt
  9. Ad space on for 8 months
  10. Reserved seating at all meal events
  11. Recognized as conference Presenting Sponsor
  12. Recognition at general session
  13. Podium remarks at conference opening
  14. Full page ad on front inside cover of Digital Conference Program
  15. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  16. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  17. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  18. Sponsor Logo signage

Platinum Sponsorship ($10,000)

  1. Second choice of an event listed as sponsor (Excludes evening receptions)
  2. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  3. Social media post about sponsorship 
  4. Listed as session sponsor on website
  5. Two complimentary conference registration
  6. Two exhibit booths with electricity(110v standard outlet)
  7. Ad space on for 6 months
  8. Reserved seating at all meal events
  9. Recognition at general session
  10. Podium remarks at your sponsored meal or event
  11. 1/2 page ad on inside back cover of Digital Conference Program
  12. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  13. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  14. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  15. Recognition at concurrent session - Option to introduce concurrent session speaker 
  16. Sponsor Logo signage

Mobile Site Sponsorship ($8,000)

  1. Enhanced Company Banner, logo, description & website link on Mobile Site
  2. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  3. Social media post about sponsorship 
  4. Two exhibit booths with electricity(110v standard outlet)
  5. Ad space on for 5 months
  6. Reserved seating at all meal events
  7. Recognition at general session
  8. Podium remarks at general session
  9. Mobile Site Ad in Digital Conference Program
  10. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  11. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  12. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference 
  13. Sponsor Logo signage
  14. Sponsor signage about mobile site

Gold Sponsorship ($7,000)

  1. Third Choice of an event listed as the sponsor (Excludes evening receptions)
  2. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  3. Social media post about sponsorship 
  4. One complimentary conference registration
  5. One exhibit booth with electricity (110v standard outlet)
  6. Ad space on for 4 months
  7. Reserved seating at all meal events
  8. Recognition at general session
  9. Podium remarks at your sponsored meal or event
  10. 1/4 page ad in Digital Conference Program
  11. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  12. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  13. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  14. Sponsor Logo signage

Conference Bag Sponsorship ($6,000)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One exhibit booth with electricity (110v standard outlet)
  3. Logo on conference bag
  4. Ad space on for 4 months
  5. Reserved seating at all meal events
  6. Recognition at general session
  7. 1/8 page ad in Digital Conference Program 
  8. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  9. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  10. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  11. Sponsor orders and purchases the item with conference logo
  12. Sponsor Logo signage

Silver Sponsorship ($5,000)

  1. Fourth Choice of event listed as the sponsor (Excludes evening receptions)
  2. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  3. One exhibit booth with electricity (110v standard outlet)
  4. Ad space on for 3 months
  5. Reserved seating at all meal events
  6. Recognition at general session
  7. Podium remarks at your sponsored meal or event
  8. 1/8 page ad in Digital Conference Program 
  9. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  10. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  11. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  12. Sponsor Logo signage

Monday Night Reception Sponsorship ($5,000)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. Social media post about sponsorship 
  3. One exhibit booth with electricity (110v standard outlet)
  4. Ad space on for 3 months
  5. Reserved seating at all meal events
  6. Recognition at general session
  7. Podium remarks at your sponsored meal or event
  8. Digital Conference Program Ad about Event with Logo
  9. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  10. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  11. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  12. Sponsor Logo signage
  13. Sponsor signage at event

Late Monday Night Event Sponsorship (Wine/Beer) ($5,000)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. Social media post about sponsorship 
  3. One exhibit booth with electricity (110v standard outlet)
  4. Ad space on for 3 months
  5. Reserved seating at all meal events
  6. Recognition at general session
  7. Podium remarks at your sponsored meal or event
  8. Digital Conference Program Ad about Event with Logo
  9. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  10. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  11. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  12. Sponsor Logo signage
  13. Sponsor signage at event

Tuesday Night Reception Sponsorship ($5,000)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. Social media post about sponsorship 
  3. One exhibit booth with electricity (110v standard outlet)
  4. Ad space on for 3 months
  5. Reserved seating at all meal events
  6. Recognition at general session
  7. Podium remarks at your sponsored meal or event
  8. Digital Conference Program Ad about Event with Logo
  9. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  10. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  11. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  12. Sponsor Logo signage
  13. Sponsor signage at event

Bronze Sponsorship ($2,500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One exhibit booth
  3. Ad space on for 3 months
  4. Recognition at general session
  5. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  6. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  7. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  8. Recognition at concurrent session - Option to introduce concurrent session speaker 

Lanyards Sponsorship ($2,250)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One exhibit booth
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  5. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  6. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  7. Sponsor orders and purchases the item with conference logo

Break Time Sponsorship ($2,000)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One exhibit booth
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  5. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  6. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference

Notepads & Pens Sponsorship ($2,000)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. Recognition at general session
  3. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  4. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  5. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  6. Sponsor orders and purchases the item with conference logo
  7. Notepads & pens on attendee chairs

Charging Station Sponsorship ($1,500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. Two exhibit booths with electricity (110v standard outlet)
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  5. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  6. Free attendee list provided by 9/11/2024 and after the conference
  7. Sponsor signage at event with prime Exhibit Hall booth location

Photo Booth Sponsorship ($1,500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. Recognition at general session
  3. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  4. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  5. Free attendee list provided after the conference

Expo Hall Game Board Sponsorship ($1,500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One exhibit booth
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  5. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  6. Free attendee list provided after the conference
  7. Logo on the expo hall game board sheet

Grand Prize Sponsorship ($1,500 cash)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One exhibit booth
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Digital Conference Program Ad about Event with Logo
  5. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  6. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  7. Free attendee list provided after the conference
  8. Opportunity to give prize away to winner

Centerpieces Sponsorship ($1,500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One exhibit booth
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  5. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  6. Free attendee list provided after the conference
  7. Tabletop signage on Lunch tables

Relaxation Station ($1,500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. Two exhibit booths
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  5. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  6. Free attendee list provided after the conference
  7. Coordinates, hires, and pays massage therapists

Titanium Sponsorship ($1,500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One exhibit booth
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  5. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  6. Free attendee list provided after the conference

Brass Sponsorship ($1,200)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One exhibit booth
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show
  5. Free attendee list provided after the conference

Exclusive to Chapters Sponsorship ($1,000)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. One complimentary conference registration
  3. Recognition at general session
  4. Company material included in attendee conference bag
  5. Sponsorship listed in conference materials & general session slide show

Expo Hall Game Board Prize Sponsorship ($500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. Signage at Exhibitor booth regarding prize

Exhibit Lounge Sponsorship ($500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website

Committee T-Shirts Sponsorship ($500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website
  2. Sponsor orders and purchases the item with conference logo
  3. Logo on Committee T-Shirt

Partner ($500)

  1. Company logo with company description and website link on conference website

Extra Add Ons


  1. Conference registration list on 9/11/2024 


  1. Company material or giveaway placed in attendee conference bags


  1. Company listed as Sponsor for concurrent session 

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